很喜欢幻想和乱想的我,有时候会问我自己我到底是谁?从哪来? 为什么会在莫个地方,做莫件事,然后又和莫人遇见呢? 感觉自己就好像在演戏,主角是我,导演也是我。
December 31, 2015
我们去Gurung Bintan ٩(๑´ 3`๑)۶
It all started out at whisk & paddle on christmas eve, a group of lonely old soul looking for a place to eat cheap seafood. Didnt want to be in the 3hr jam at causeway, i suggested that we can go pengarang eat seafood by taking boat and cycling. But my taiwan cycling friend went last weekend, they highly recommend us NOT to go, not worth the trip. Since i been there during rovers days, i shall just remembered the good memories and not add on unnecessary ones. We brainstormed at punggol till its xmas, no one had anywhere to go on the 27th dec. I did tried to suggest melaka, where i did my first solo trip. But not all of us can spare 1 more day, so we were thinking maybe just meet up at east coast and do our usual cycling & blading. On xmas day, as usual santa el was the one who came up with the idea of exploring gurung bintan! We quickly booked the ferry for 5 on 27th dec. Hahaaa we so impromptu but so efficient.
For the past 2 trip to bintan it is always for el birthday haahaaa but not this time. We reminiscing over our youth and silliness, those were the days. I didn't know bintan is so big haaaa. To get to gurung bintan, we travel on car for ard 30-45mins. I thought Gurung bintan is like BT timah, it's slightly more challenging than bt timah. Once we hit the foot of the hill, we immediately had to go up and up the steep slope, busy fighting with all the forest mosquitoes and dodging all the big insects. Due to lack of sleep and over exertion, when we took a break i can heard my heart thumping real loud! Hahaaa i never had such loud heart beat, not even when i was flipping 小美写真集 hahaaa i had to slow down and rest. It was nice to trek different places other than bt timah. At the end of the trek i read online there suppose to have a waterfall i kind of imagine it like berkelah, i thought we could all dip into the waterfall to wash away all the mud and tiredness. Hmmmm well, the waterfall does not look too pleasing and clean, there were a lot of rubbish so we decided to give it a miss.
Too bad we could not stay another day to explore other places in remote bintan. After the trek, we went to chiu yong to have seafood, i was so freaking hungry. luckily penny made ham sandwiches breakfast for us, otherwise i might faint due to hunger. The food was not bad, but its tourist price i think.
Overall, i did and i hoped we all did have fun for the day trip to bintan. I totally Zzzz on the ferry back to sg. Bintan - You really need to travel with friends, otherwise there is no reason to go there.
December 23, 2015
最近看了the intern竟然被感动的三更半夜一把鼻涕一把眼泪的。 早上眼睛有两层双眼皮哈哈。里面最深刻是ben提起他的老婆时的深情, 还有当jules哭说怕老了死了后埋在地下时是孤单一人。ben说她可以埋在他和他老婆旁边。好感人但也让我哈哈一笑! 也担心自己死时身旁没最爱的那个人。那不是很可怜吗? :..{
三十过候爸妈比我急, 非常希望把我嫁掉, 尤其表弟最近结婚, oh 大家都怕我老了会变老妖怪。 到了我这个年龄, 我也开始对爱情保有越来越少的希望。渐渐催眠自己没有爱情自己也可以幸福开心的过日子。但我不是不相信爱情, 也不是不喜欢男人哈哈, 而是害怕自己期望越高的话, 失望也会跟着加倍。所以一直保持着自我催眠的态度。也因为毕竟已经三十了, 我的人生还有几个三十可以给我尝试再来谈场恋爱啊。心里也不知不觉建立了爱情防御机制。但我也太爱看爱情电影, 所以偶尔会希望自己是故事里的女猪脚, 长大了谈场不怎么样的爱情, 做份不怎么样的工作, 过着不怎样的生活。但突然有一天,有个我曾经很爱很爱的男生叫刘德华唱歌给我听~~~ 哈哈 我还真的有够白痴的♡
December 3, 2015
December 1, 2015
November 30, 2015
这个礼拜又是吃了几个生日餐,想瘦也瘦不下来啊。刚刚和tx, el, jk, cd , ft, ber & yy 又是烤肉又是steamboat的。好久没去el的家聚会了 heheee。是我太小气想太多了吗?总觉的当时的他没把我们当朋友,对我们的问候也有问没答。因此也对这友情心灰意冷了一段时期,但朋友嘛总不能永远不说话。所以厚脸皮的我从台湾回来就受不了了,开口讲话打破僵局。哈哈哈。。我还真是小气oh..
今年的我也不怎么想过生日, 但是朋友又是蛋糕又是礼物还真是不好意思。蛋糕和礼物可免了,说真的就把我当男生吧有小鸡鸡的不需要礼物。我比较享受我们大家一起去买菜,煮菜,吃菜的过程。都说了我很喜欢团体行动喔ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)
还是要谢谢这班朋友,感谢他们出现在我的青春里 ♥
November 29, 2015
三点一刻 3:15pm milk tea
Super tasty milk tea!!! ignoring all the calories and sugar, this is the best instant milk tea i had so farrrrrrrr.... even my fav (er.. used to be my fav) japanese royal milk tea can't beat this taiwanese milk tea.. hahaa... i should have smuggle 10 big packet back... i found out singapore shop selling at $9.50, i think i bought this at $5ish in taiwan. hmmm... this will be my to-buy things in taiwan... oh btw, i missed the black bottle coffee in taiwan... taste good and smooth... yummy... why does milk tea and coffee taste better in taiwan... hmmmm are the cow there nicer and friendlier?? haaaa...
三点一刻, 相聚一刻。kind of rhyme... hahaa
November 24, 2015
Glenn is alive!!!!
November 18, 2015
花东之旅 cycling taiwan east coast park
第二天便和Lydia去九份走茶壶山,天空好蓝好嗮啊。但偶尔也会吹起凉风,哇塞好舒服哦!我们也去了houtong 猫咪的小镇。然后晚上还去士林夜市,从早走到晚,我的脚都快要断了!那天早上还巧遇了Karen, 她刚刚抵达你好hostel, 我一听就知道是我们这帮的。便自我介绍,然后和他们解释她是和我们一起的,希望没帮倒忙。heheheee...
第三天到花莲Giant collect bike, 吃了爆炸葱油饼和晚餐,我们就住进了一间10人房! 哈哈哈我很聪明很早就入眠了, 可是睡到凌晨3AM 我就醒了,完了!我睡不着了!因为大家的打鼾声是超厉害的。可是我听着听着又睡着了哈哈,睡到6AM我醒了在等大家起床。怕吵醒大家嘛, 大概7点我就慢慢的爬下床去冲凉。回想起来,如果我没有笑des的headscarf像cleaner。哈哈哈, 真的好笑嘛。我也不会无缘无故有了fatimah的绰号。活该!我跟他们说是jap look k.. 哎呀,他们不懂的啦。
从花莲出发,一开始不到一小时pw就爆胎咯!哈哈 还真的酱容易爆胎leh... 花莲风景好美, 有大海,好蓝好蓝的海,有很多毛毛黄黄的草。第一和第二天我好笨耶乱乱换gear,gear有几次卡住动弹不得,还跳链喔。到了最后几天才发现适合上山和下山的gear... 我们还没到海公主就下起倾盆大雨,害得我们湿答答狼狈的走进海公主非常干净的家。因为晚上要BBQ我就不想冲凉嘛,可是他们全部都有冲凉这就显得我很肮脏。(╥﹏╥)我其实也是个爱干净的小孩啊。
第二天我的屁屁好痛啊,坐也不是骑也不是, 我们骑去石梯坪。hurhur 一向来笨笨的我又跌倒了,knee cap 又流血。厉害吧。上次来台湾knee cap 也是玩solo wheel 跌倒的哈哈。长这么大了还跌倒真是不好意思,我也只好哈哈大笑,karen 在我后面一定吓到后也哈哈大笑吧。这个笨女人走路不好好走跳下去干嘛啊。 我也发现我和温泉没缘,每次泡温泉我的脚都”忧“伤。那晚晚餐吃hotpot, 我的hotpot迟迟未来,店主问我叫什么。我只好回她“日式猪”,她听不清楚,我还回了她两次"日式猪"。好丢脸啊!早知道我也学pw点“海龙王”,听起来就很厉害。
离开红叶温泉后发生了很多事情! 大家突然在天桥停了下来,原来Cindy's脚踏车爆胎。后面又传来“我被狗咬!” 我还以为是开玩笑的,john还真的被狗咬了一口。在众多的混乱之中,我们把吕洞宾送往附近的玉里医院,pw满头大汗的在修理脚车。厄运接二连三的滚来,修理中脚车零件掉下桥我们算是走运了,des还能找到那么小粒的screw。事后我才觉得好好笑哦!
那晚吃饱了他们就回蓝白式喝whiskey, des喝多了也开始发酒疯,唱可惜不是你,还大说爱情大道理。而john也做傻事,他拿kinder bueno喂民宿的teddy bear还“om om om”。我当下真的是哭笑不得,他人大大壮壮的怎么会做出这么girly的举动。还时不时学林真心“加油!加油喔!".哈哈都说他里面有着少女情怀。但我们好像吵到民宿老板,他严肃的走出来说要关灯了,呵呵真是不好意思呢。
最后一天骑去台东还脚车,心里还有点不舍。好快哦这样就结束了吗?多希望能再骑自行车遊台湾。坐船去绿岛时,我想我因该不需要吃晕船药吧。我很享受摇摇晃晃的感觉,也很喜欢懒在hammock里。船上的人吐呀吐呀, eugene小弟也受不了,把午餐全全吐出来了。我看了也想吐咯。。哈哈哈。到了绿岛我以为一人一辆摩托车,但是只有4辆。没办法只好一直叮咛弟弟骑车要小心哦!要慢慢开车哦!我们的生命要紧喔!我对坐上摩托车还是有点害怕。哈哈。我自己驾时也是小心翼翼的,慢到大家得等我,因为票在我手中。muahaaaaaa
绿岛的夜空好迷人哦,本以为丽江的星空已经很厉害。绿岛的星空便是一览无遗,时不时就有流星划过。很难过的是现在的我已经不再对流星许愿了。☆〜(ゝ。∂) 以前的我还会满怀希望的许愿不管会不会实现,是我长大了吗?还是已看清楚这世界呢?都说我和温泉没缘,要泡温泉,我大姨妈来找我,害我只能泡鸡蛋,吃鸡蛋!! 气死我了!!
November 14, 2015
October 27, 2015
Awwww... New cast on the good wife
当他们去溜滑轮时, 也让我想起我们去溜冰场和jurong east的arcade。中学时我和shiyu, xiuling还有yilin也会hangout在hongkah CC 的Macdonald, 看帅哥打篮球。有时去tamah jurong的arcade, bowling center或麦当劳就这样度过我们的中学生涯。
我们没有骑单车的culture, 以前一到放假就一大班人在东海岸的chalet, 骑脚车, 游泳, 晚上玩真心话大冒险。回想起来这就是青春啊~
戏里名言:"女生说没事, 就是有事。说没问题, 就是有问题!"
我听见雨滴 落在青青草地
我听见远方 下课钟声响起
可是我没有听见你的声音 认真呼唤我姓名
离别了 才觉得刻骨铭心
为什么没有发现 遇见了你 是生命最好的事情
忙着微笑和哭泣 忙着追逐天空中的流星
是谁风里 雨里 一直默默守护在原地
原来我们 和爱情曾经靠得那么近
那为我对抗世界的决定 那陪我淋的雨
一幕幕都是你 一尘不染的真心
可我也失去 为你泪流满面的权利
但愿在我看不到的天际 你张开了双翼
遇见你的注定 她会有多幸运
来不及感谢 是你给我勇气 让我能做回我自己
忙着微笑和哭泣 忙着追逐天空中的流星
是谁风里 雨里 一直默默守护在原地
原来我们 和爱情曾经靠得那么近
那为我对抗世界的决定 那陪我淋的雨
一幕幕都是你 一尘不染的真心
可我也失去 为你泪流满面的权利
但愿在我看不到的天际 你张开了双翼
遇见你的注定 她会有多幸运
October 22, 2015
kim jong min fighting ♥♥♥
I kind of think that he is super adorable, always smiling happily throughout 2d1n, his half babo half genius facade never fail to surprise and makes me LOL... now i am watching the old season 1 of 2d1n because of him, but sad to see he wasn't able to do his best in season 1 when he rejoined...but his performance in 3 is funny especially with kim junho.. haaa... in season 3 his clothing really stands out.. haaa perhaps his stylist did a great job, he looks good in checkered print ♥o(≧o≦)o
I think season 3 was really touching for kjm, the production team DI a photo of him sitting at the same spot where his dad was standing when he was still alive. Not only that, the member even went to pay respect to kjm's dad... (π︹π) *loyalty*
I guess that why i m addicted to 2d1n, hooked to kim jong min~~
October 21, 2015
September 2, 2015
August 18, 2015
《我在人民广场吃炸鸡》 和 《野子》
最近看了中国好声音4, 最喜欢的两首歌。
《我在人民广场吃炸鸡》 和 《野子》
超棒的!! daebak!! 喜欢炸鸡的歌词加上all about the bass 整体好有趣, 是个非常happy。而野子听着听着不知为何我脑里浮现了进击的巨人的画面。我想把它edit在一起会有不一样的感觉。野子配进击的巨人的动画, 我要试试!!
我在人民广场吃炸鸡 - 赵大格
而此时此刻 你在哪里
Because you know
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass
no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass
'Bout that bass
no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass
'Bout that bass
no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass
'Bout that bass bass bass bass
演唱:苏运莹 feat.田馥甄
踏着力气 踩着梦
吹啊吹啊 我的骄傲放纵
任风吹 任它乱
毁不灭是我 尽头的展望
吹啊吹啊 我赤脚不害怕
我吹啊吹啊 无所谓扰乱我
是你吗 会给我一扇心房
是你呀 会给我一扇灯窗
August 6, 2015
到底谁可怜? 哈哈哈
波兰人:" ...波兰人很重视童年的生活....就是我们很在乎小朋友..."
蔡康永:"我们一点也不重视 "
波兰人笑着:" ..对我有发现... 我觉得小朋友好可怜。他晚上还要去那个补习班... 我觉得好可怜。我大概10岁的时候, 我在外面的跟其他的同学都是踢足球之类的但是这边的朋友都晚上还要去上课, 我觉得好可怜..."
哈哈哈哈哈哈 笑死我了!!!
July 28, 2015
Ember in life
I find it very meaningful and makes me think that how we should live our life... I heard it from a survival show, when this dude is restarting their fire. He said "Look at how amazing this is... this tiny weak ember can turning into such a big fire.. burn so brightly and fiercely... to cook our dinner and provided us with drinkable water." it kind of inspire me to think that when we are all new born, we are such a fragile little living thing on earth.. so weak and needing. and through our life we do have our ups and downs... but we have to always glow brightly and find that never dying inner fire/passion in us... always let the sudden gush of wind to bring you to burn and shine brighter and not turn you into ash... ♡
June 23, 2015
I ♥ mountain goat
Why? They look so pretty and furry... I can't even continue to watch when the guy gut it up....
June 17, 2015
=..= this week they stabbed Jon snow
I wasn't mentally prepared "for the night watch" scene... 1st stab I was thinking not too bad he will still make it..won't die... then came the multiple for the night watch stabbing!! arghhhh.. dun kill Jon snow, else there will be nothing left to watch... :( but it seems like a dream to me. the way it was portray how ppl turned on him and the season ended hanging whether Jon snow is dead or not... Ahhh hhhhh... he is not exactly dead yet... there's still some hope...
June 5, 2015
The island with bear grylls & son of winter
recently no idea what caught over me... after amazing race and survivor ended their season.. i been watching wilderness survival series for the past few weeks and i actually prefer those over Korean drama... hahaa.. The island with bear grylls received mixed reviews from viewers but i actually liked it. Throwing 13 man from various walks of life onto a deserted island, like bear said it might sounds like a fantasy when u think of staying in a deserted island alone but there's danger lurking everywhere... the 13 castaways had to jump off the boat and swim up the shore, where they only had 2 jelly cans of water = 1 day supply, 3 machete, 3 knife and fire making rod... they had to find fresh water source, filter it then build their own fire to boil it... cool it in the seawater before drinking... damn.. that's just so much work just to keep yourself hydrated! And once the man had their water and fire the next thing they look for is food. They were starving for days surviving on coconut flesh and they came upon a caiman. when they had to put a knife through the crocodile, they broke down in tears.. me too cried silly me... in modern day when we dine in restaurant or home, the meat or chicken we got from the supermarket are already de-fur, de-organ clean, chop ready for cooking. we never ever had to hunt for our own food or get our hands dirty. The men are so desperately hungry and had to kill by putting the knife through the poor animal, makes me think twice eating meat after watching the show. :( After 4 weeks when they get back to civilization, they all seems to learn to appreciate everything more and brust into tears when they called their family to tell them that they missed them and they are safe. Well, it's like when I just landed back in changi airport coming back from ebc, i felt DIFFERENT. Everything is the same, but i just felt different. Like them, i also learnt to appreciate everything that are around me... my family, clean running water, simple home cooked food, clean bed and home. I m glad that I am back home to my family back in Singapore.
son of winter is slightly different it featuring the bark family where his 2 sons embarking on their "becoming-a-man" rite of passage. it's extremely hard to survive in the arctic winter... their livelihood depends on hunting like the olden days primitives mens.. setting traps for the beaver, using beaver as baits...when doing their ice fishing... one of the son step through the thin ice into the icy cold water the temperature out there is minus 15... and it happened so fast that they almost lost him... show producer and his brother pulling him out and up from the ice, the next 1 hr is crucial. they had to try to keep him out from hypothermia and frost bites. frost bites are damn scary... luckily his brother know what to do.. got him striped out of all the wet clothing... put him in his own clothes and jacket, drove him back to the wooden cabin... get the fire wood and heater burning and finally got his brother body temperature and feet back..cos he keep saying he can't feel his leg...
i actually took notes of the survival tips... haaa... i m so silly... haaa
June 4, 2015
call me wun wun
Its been awhile since we last saw bran... he's one of the important cast too... wonder what happened after they meet the 3 eye raven...
May 11, 2015
虽然今天又乱花钱 (是生理期害得!! 害得我想花钱) 但在等车时看到一位马来auntie手拿blind cane的在bus stop和马路间探路。有点危险但她又好像知道去哪里的样子。但我还是决定kpo一下, 问她要去哪里。我hold她的arm, 但她却说她来hold住我的比较好。感觉好亲切哦。她其实要去centrepoint, 而在这里做工13年了, 所以很熟悉这里的路行。帮了她候我从心里感谢她...让我能帮助我想帮助的人... 也希望这世间是美好的, 大家都能平平安安,开开心心的享受她。
April 23, 2015
March 25, 2015
bean yogurt mix
ta-dah~~ forgot to take a pic before i mixed it up and eat.. hurhurhur :P
March 23, 2015
您现在在天上做神仙吧,保佑新加坡! 加油!
Remembering Lee Kuan Yew
23th March 2015
March 12, 2015
奇怪昨天跑了4km,今天okay wor...没ache...酱快适应了~wooo hooo... 很快就要hit到5km target loh!! Jiayou.. 人老心不老就可以了。waileng 今天send我一个vimeo link, 述说在CBD 后巷勤奋,努力and has a great positive attitude toward life 的 70+ bespoke barber... 看了有些感触。
最近最经典的是我忘记带passport去Malaysia... epic!!! ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)看到老妈那么担心,当我stuck在custom时我就赶快找coach ticket。本想塔最晚的可是来不急咯。我隔天一早就塔6.30am 的车去找他们。不然怪来怪去,两老的一定闹得不高兴。我是他们的和事佬几最可爱的小猪^(oo)^... wahaa...看来我还蛮厉害的。哈哈哈, 我发现一个人travel, 很多人会对你好也会和我讲话Leh.... haaa.. 我有uncle缘哈哈哈....
这次的教训会让小女子没齿难忘,活该啦!!! 哈哈哈 笑一笑,没烦恼!!♥
March 1, 2015
Just got home after MJ, had a lot of steamboat food at el place. so decided to cycle back though it's already so late... and guess what!! Me saw pancake on table!! bro make pancake with ice cream~~ how could i resist the pancake temptation....
sugar rush!!!