July 6, 2009

Busy weekday - Herman and Shiyu wedding

last Wednesday was really madness... my sis called me and said that "have you seen dad's leg? he refused to go to hospital." Monday night dad was having fever, i noticed his right leg was slightly swollen. The next morning mum took him to see doc, i thought it's okay. until wednesday night when i reached home. I saw his leg swollen and redness... no idea what could be the cause of it, we sent him down to Alexander hospital and stayed there till 3am... They had to put him under observation and blood test. Now, dad feels much better but leg still swollen and red resting at home. the medicine is giving him side effects.. haizz..

yup, and that same night after i reached home, i bathe and sit infront of my computer typing the MC script for Shiyu's wedding. Kevin did his part like freaking 2 days ago, and i still didn't have the time to finish it up.. i type and print till morning 6am.. whoa cool. i'm left with 30 mins and Xiulin will be on her way to fetch me.. i just can feel that my eyes are swollen from lack of sleep...

we reached shiyu's place at around 7am in the morning.. all stuff are ready and all of us starts preparing the buffet for the xiong dis.. haa.. it's so funny.. when they arrived, herman was so honest and straightforward... he say i got the angbao ready $388 can or not.. the xiong di say "it's a lot le" i dunno how the negotiation goes, they gave us the ang bao and we still forced them to eat the buffet... starting with "sour" they had to peel grapefruits, lemon and lime.. and finished it all.. they are so nice people and didn't even bother to bargain with us, they just eat and eat.. we give them smelly herbal tea they also drink... they happily waxed their leg with "SHIYU".. the groom was so enthu he said he be the "I", i guess he thought it would be more meaningful or wat, but the sister were all luffing, cos we use the whole stripe of wax for "I" turn out it a few times bigger than the normal character.. :D We also made them special chocolate cookie.. stuff with wasabi and chilli, there's one guy so happy and glad that he got wasabi flavour... their happiness was short lived.. i managed to get a bottle of "天下第一辣" from JX... when they saw the bottle, they say come give us a spoon.. i immediately busted out in laughter.. i warned them.. lucky they just tried a bit and we let them in, cos they suffered a lot, the groom was sweating like mad..they also bought a cap of water for $10bucks.. haa.. he dyed his hair the day before, and after all the sweating the leftover dyed drips onto his white tuxedo.. :(

finally he's in to the living room, there's 4 more task on the list. finding shiyu's shoe and eating ice cream for the key, sing Jay's song and sign love pledge. when we offer the ice-cream to the guys, none of them dare to eat. we bought yam flavour cos it's purple! one of the brave ones, finally took a scoop and say "很好吃! can eat no worries!" the rest all dig in to the ice-cream, they even forgot why they are eating it in the first place... after the awful singing by herman and lipstick love pledge, the groom finally gets his bride!!!

so lovin and sweet... together they make a great couple.

see my facebook photo.. haaa..

Twitt twitt...

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