September 29, 2014

Amazing Race s25 is coming to Singapore!!!!! I think so....

Aaaaaahhhh..... I caught a glimpse of mbs and garden by the bay on the s25 1st episode of TAR!!!
Ahhhhh... when are they coming???!@##$

September 3, 2014

awesome mix vol 1 is my bedtime songs!!

Watched guardian of the galaxy tonight... woah woah woah~ totally blew me away with the humorous loving characters, vfx shots and of course the awesome mix!! And i didnt fall asleep! The trailer that i watched in theatre doesn't do the movie justice, i almost skipped this movie! 
Nowadays cinema has a special effect on me, the moment i sat on that chair when the lights out...unknowingly i will doze off into dreamland.... zZzZzzzz if the movie like GOTG that managed to capture my full attention.... haaaa it must be real good... I'm guilty of sleeping in movies like the recent transformer.. maleficent and xmen.. haaaa...

Twitt twitt...

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