May 30, 2012


This afternoon received a heart breaking news from a close sec friend, nini. I saw her sms, thinking that she's mass messaging us to share her joy, happy news of her 2nd baby boy come rolling into this world. Instead of sharing her happiness, i choked on the sms, throat tightening, nothing can i say to make her feel any better... 

She delivered her baby boy. But even before that, the dear baby boy heart already stop beating...

 I can't imagine that to happen to any of the mummy in the world...这世间难道就不能只拥有幸福,欢笑和喜悦吗?

你知道吗?爸爸妈妈,你们是超人。你们拥有超出人类的忍耐力,无敌的毅力, 无畏的用你们的双手辛苦的把我们养大,不求任何回报。我们长大了,是爸妈的希望与梦想。。。也是爸妈的心肝宝贝。。。


May 29, 2012

we are young...

Everyone was once young, this song reminds me of my rovering days... miss all the rovers friends who were with me through my 3 years of rovering....


found this 初老症状50条 on the internet, test to see if i'm really a step closer to it...

01、枕头旁边,电脑键盘旁边,出现一堆万金油、白花油、绿油精等提神药方 -- true
02、只要坐下来,小腹就有一滩肉 -- true... haiz...
03、莫名其妙就会一大早醒过来 -- false.. 我,不可能早醒 。
04、躺在沙发看八点档连续剧30分钟就会开始熟睡 --almost there...
05、对於没有结论的冗长会议充满厌恶  -- true
06、觉得自己快要被一堆密码淹没了! --还好,密码来来去去都是那几个
07、对於年轻朋友不让座这件事情会非常介意 --true
08、对於磁场不对的人,可以毫无牵挂的跟他说再见、再见、再见…… --true
09、KTV热门点播排行榜的歌曲完全不会唱 --true
10、以前可以唱KTV到天亮,现在只要熬夜一天,就会累一个礼拜 --true true true very very true
11、急於想加入facebook之类的网路活动,以免被年轻遗弃 -- alright lah...
12、如果不喃喃自语,脑子就会打结。 -- false 有个妈妈天天喃喃自语就够了。
13、越近的事情越容易忘记,越久以前的事情反而越是记得 --true hhaaaa
14、觉得五分埔与路边摊的T恤都是给纸片人穿的 -- true, they are so small...
15、以前烦恼青春痘,现在烦恼小细纹 -- well, 我还在烦恼青春痘。
16、除非参加清早晨运的甩手功或庙会朝山活动,否则很难找到比自己年龄大的聚会 -- false but my friend did haha...
17、对於陌生网友的「我们可以交朋友吗?」说法,觉得无比愚蠢而没有耐心 -- true, 可是很少发生。哈!
18、认识新朋友的速度与机率逐渐钝化 -- true true...
19、越来越觉得专家说法都是唬烂 --- hmmm... true...
20、如果一天没有吃绿色蔬菜就会觉得身体怪怪的 -- true... hahaa
21、逐渐没有耐心替烂朋友收烂摊了 -- alright.. 朋友都长大了。
22、越来越不喜欢改变「已经习惯的习惯」 -- true
23、很讨厌在外面过夜,因为要带好多东西  -- true.. 东西越带越多
24、不知不觉,随身携带温水壶和牙线棒 --  温水壶 true, 牙线棒 nope..
25、懒的交新朋友的原因,是因为懒的从头交代自己的人生 -- true!!!!
26、终於认清「老天爷真的很忙」! -- true..
27、每次看到某某歌手某某影星过世的消息,就要感叹一次,我们的时代过去了 --还没。。
28、总是把「重要的东西」放在「重要的地方」,然后把那个「重要的地方」彻底忘记 -- true.. can't find my camera warranty card...
29、说你看过「东京爱情故事」,知道完治与莉香,周遭一片哗然 -- 没看过
30、朋友们离婚的(数量/年度)开始超越结婚的(数量/年度) -- 还好,朋友都幸福。
31、对於星座、运势、紫微斗数、塔罗牌、两性专家与励志书,已经不感兴趣 --true,一直以来都没兴趣。
32、参加告别式的机率比婚礼多,包白包的机会比包红包的机会多 --false..choy。大吉利事!
33、再也不觉得年轻辣妹或帅哥是一种天上掉下来的幸福 --true
34、以前糟蹋身体,现在被身体糟蹋  --哈哈 true
35、开始注意医药新闻,譬如银杏是不是可以预防老年痴呆 --true 怕死又怕老
36、对於手机铃声开始感觉不耐烦 --true, 几乎是silent mode
37、开始关心商品成分、制造商以及赏味期限。 --true.. auntie mode..
38、最近有件事要告诉你,可是一看见你就全忘了 --always.. true
39、对路边的问卷部队非常有意见 -- true.. 有事对莫些事情非常有意见
40、对诈骗集团开始产生周旋的战斗力 --还好。
41、逐渐喜欢到传统市场买菜 --true
42、最讨厌听到「如果你不怎样,就不能怎样」这种威胁 -- 还好。
43、在床上睡不著,起床看电视却立刻在沙发上打呼了起来。-- 对对对。
44、不想起那个忘掉的名字绝不善罢干休 --true
45、对於RAP一点好感都没有 --一向来都没好感。
46、一堆人喊你XX姊、XX哥,而你很想叫他们――闭嘴! --还好在新加坡不会这样称呼。
47、讨厌过生日这件事 --hmmm...慢慢的不喜欢过生日了。
48、在「不好意思」和「多争取就会赚到」两者间,渐渐倒向了后者 -- true,不好意思
49、对超商的集点活动完全没兴趣 --true


May 24, 2012


看到床前.. 窗口...桌子上摆放着一罐罐的药油... 莫非这就是传说中的



May 22, 2012


Just had dinner at ikea with a bunch of ex-tus - It's tuesday, so it's duck breast day at ikea!

hmmm... it's so good.... so happy and contented... now feeling fat and dreamy, and decided to upload my weekend photo. last weekend was super duper packed with chalet and roller blade... I happened to be the May event organiser for eugenia, ah bee and shuping birthday and by luck yihui got the chalet ballot from her company. so we decided to celebrate their birthday at downtown east.. Well downtown is full of youth and energy!!! haaa... me, linda and weekiat checked in earlier on saturday, happened to walk past a NTUC booth having "gou li" and "five stones" competition. Somewhere deep down in my heart, i really want to compete in those kampung games, must be fun!! so in the end weekiat and linda participate (they got ntuc union card hahaaa) and weekiat won 1 movie ticket, and we decided to give it to an uncle who also won 1 ticket with his family. :D feels good day... 

later part of the day were packed with preparation for the BBQ, I had fun last weekend, so old liao still go chalet, actually feels like I'm back in the secondary school days... where a bunch of boys and girls will stay overnight chit chat till daylight. 

Next sunday morning, woke up and yihui brought us sight-seeing at pasir ris pet shop and bought a kennel for jen jen and pei pei. so sweet!! After that meet up with Get Fit gang at jurong lake, blade for awhile and hang out at Taman Jurong. Also one of my favourite hangout after school!! Went ghim moh for dinner, head down rochester for kopi... can't tell you how tired i'm on Sunday... Zzzzz fell asleep immediately after i reached home... ZZZzzzz but i totally enjoyed spending my weekend with friends!! 

May 16, 2012

feels like end of the world tonight

I hate thunderstorm... Raining heavily in the middle of the night .. the howling of rain, flashes from the lighting and rumbling from the thunder were so scary that it seems like the end of the world... will it be that way when it arrives?

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May 1, 2012

It's raining again today...

Labour day rainy day...

Just had my haircut by addy.. Very nice dude :)

Gonna go for a run once the rain stop...

Twitt twitt...

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