May 22, 2012


Just had dinner at ikea with a bunch of ex-tus - It's tuesday, so it's duck breast day at ikea!

hmmm... it's so good.... so happy and contented... now feeling fat and dreamy, and decided to upload my weekend photo. last weekend was super duper packed with chalet and roller blade... I happened to be the May event organiser for eugenia, ah bee and shuping birthday and by luck yihui got the chalet ballot from her company. so we decided to celebrate their birthday at downtown east.. Well downtown is full of youth and energy!!! haaa... me, linda and weekiat checked in earlier on saturday, happened to walk past a NTUC booth having "gou li" and "five stones" competition. Somewhere deep down in my heart, i really want to compete in those kampung games, must be fun!! so in the end weekiat and linda participate (they got ntuc union card hahaaa) and weekiat won 1 movie ticket, and we decided to give it to an uncle who also won 1 ticket with his family. :D feels good day... 

later part of the day were packed with preparation for the BBQ, I had fun last weekend, so old liao still go chalet, actually feels like I'm back in the secondary school days... where a bunch of boys and girls will stay overnight chit chat till daylight. 

Next sunday morning, woke up and yihui brought us sight-seeing at pasir ris pet shop and bought a kennel for jen jen and pei pei. so sweet!! After that meet up with Get Fit gang at jurong lake, blade for awhile and hang out at Taman Jurong. Also one of my favourite hangout after school!! Went ghim moh for dinner, head down rochester for kopi... can't tell you how tired i'm on Sunday... Zzzzz fell asleep immediately after i reached home... ZZZzzzz but i totally enjoyed spending my weekend with friends!! 

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