October 30, 2014

Weeee... i passed...but i want to cycle now.. haaa

Heee.. happy tuesday for me... passed my ppcdl theory test!! No need to study all the notes liao~~~ next thing get boat license.. dunno do what also.. maybe ride jet ski.. haaaa

See i kinda jack of all trade but master of none... why?? Haaa.. my interest switches recently... now very tempted to get a foldable bike... hahaaa... dad ask me go get an electric one -.-" i told him my friend luff at me, saying ah peh rides that... maybe my dad secretly wants a electric bicycle so he can go shengsiong easily without driving.. haaaa....

Tempted to get a tern... Damn tern bike are so pricey!! Gonna check them out this weekend!! I want to go round and round singapore park connector.. haaaa... explore the island and ride to mahjong place... haaaa...

Oh did I mentioned that I also collected my certificate to certified that I'm "30"...
Haaa.... Time really flies~~~ I m already in my thirties! the last time I had my ic, I was only in primary six... I have no idea how I grew up that fast? Just by breathing and eating and sleeping?? I grew so big.. Haaaa my primary 6 ic photo was hilarious & unglam... :P

October 27, 2014


是个吃喝玩乐的一个weekend. 从星期五开始的我就熬夜打麻将=_=。星期六也熬夜庆生,吃,喝,玩猫 *_*。今天几乎是个废人 ×_×, 哈哈哈哈。可是看到衣服一堆, 刚买的nespresso的箱子也堆在room的corner...房间像垃圾堆。吃了lunch, 不知不觉便也开始pack房间, 哇赛~灰尘还真多!! 把一些新买的衣服也洗了上来。也收拾橱里的日常用品....哈哈我也该收敛一下吧,东买西买房间里的东西是有增无减。
周彬彬你不要再买了, 坏了才买用完才买。今年起你的resolution就是用完existing的产品才买新的!!!
还有一袋袋的箱子还没收拾完。哈哈, 换了风水, 换个角度看看不知道会不会好一些~~

October 10, 2014

♡Busan, Jeju 等等我吧!!

Wahaaaa!!! 看看看!! 我有好多guide和map!!! 多谢多谢朋友了!!! Hohoho....完了完了看了更想去, 心想实现一个人旅行的feeling~~~可是去busan和jeju因该越多人越好.... wahaaaaa.....
Apa 我来了!!!

October 8, 2014


哈哈哈, 我好久没看了,想当年我也是什么anime和漫画都乱乱看!!! 为了不想老了忘记title,趁现在快快写下来吧。老了回味回味~♡

记得小时和哥哥晚上看相聚一刻 (五代~~)和orange road (有特异功能的兄妹)....原来小时的我就已经喜欢爱情故事....现在的漫画也画不出这么生活化和这样棒的爱情故事。还有, 还有我不久前才知道相聚一刻的作者高桥留美子,也是乱马1/2的作者。哈哈哈, 故事情节好不同哦!! 乱马有点变态哈哈哈一淋湿就暴露哈哈哈。

还有《凉风》suzuka 和school rumble也是我的最爱。当然我的年代也少不了full metal panic, fumoffu 可爱极了! Full metal alchemist 也夺去了我好多好多眼泪!!! 还有很多很多

High school anime My-hime...ouran high school host club... honey and clover... musical anime BECK... of course those really popular ones like naruto, one piece and bleach... we also bought the comic book for 通灵王, 棋灵王。

Cant think of any new title now.. 下次再加!!!

October 2, 2014

Cray cray

看起来好笑吧! 是个黑鼻t-shirt...

Twitt twitt...

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