December 29, 2014


彬彬马六甲之旅 跑路袋
终于pack完了。 哈哈,有好多没带,相机,书本和go pro都没带上。哈哈哈哈。

没和老妈老爸说我自己去,怕他们担心。我通常是先斩后奏,去diving也是这样。尼泊尔也是。哈哈。我这么大了没什么不放心的啦。而我最近不知为何有叛逆的心态~_~ 想自己旅行。就像昨晚明明半夜了还下着雨,我还是非常固执的一心想骑脚车回家。虽然一路上雨水稀里哗啦的打在我脸上,我脑是放空的。夜晚骑车很放松很平静,享受着雨水和蛤蟆叫声,什么也不想想。只是我怕abunana来抓我。都是小时候被妈妈吓的。“你不听话等一下我叫abunana来抓你” 哈哈哈哈。

祝我马六甲旅游愉快,安全最重要!一个人旅行真的非常寂寞吗? 哈哈哈我很快就会知道!

December 17, 2014


最近sf问我如果有人怀疑你是同性恋,我会feel offended吗? 哈哈, 好难回答...认识我的人都懂我够肤浅,对帅哥够"色"。 但单身那么久难免会有朋友觉得是不是哪里出了问题?
哈哈。其实面对喜欢的人我还真的会不好意思的害羞。所谓的色大胆小。 而我还活在被动的年代。同事也想帮我拉红线啊, 可是会很不自然吧。爱情因该是天时地利人和才"炮"发的哦! 朋友也因该也懂我们是遇不到对的人吧,为何把人家推进"L"世界啊。以前的我还总觉得有一天"那个人"会出现,总向往着童话般的爱情故事。但现在的我有时真的觉得就这样子一个人也很好啊。反正爱情期错过了就过了, 再来就到更年期了! wahhaaaaa... *笑着流泪*


許:愛愛愛愛了幾回 也明白其中滋味
  我卻還在等待著 誰能出現

穆:傷傷傷傷了幾回 也曾經為愛憔悴

合:我卻還是學不會 狠心對誰

許:男人男人 多希望你是好人
  多希望用你的真 讓我不必再心疼

穆:女人女人 我答應做個好人
我答應用我一生 來換你的快樂一生

合:不會再讓我(你)心疼 一等再等



December 11, 2014

晚上入眠的歌竟然是那么深~ 那么历经沧桑~


あいしてる♡wah.. 我还真的type对!! Haaa...


還記得那些寂寞的春天 那時的我還沒冒起鬍鬚
沒有情人節沒有禮物 沒有我那可愛的小公主
可我覺得一切沒那麼糟 雖然我只有對愛的幻想
在清晨在夜晚在風中  唱著那無人問津的歌謠

也許有一天我老無所依 請把我留在在那時光裡
如果有一天我悄然離去 請把我埋在在這春天裡 "春天裡"

December 10, 2014




December 2, 2014


今年生日我拥有了同事们的爱待,又是气球,又是蛋糕,又是gopro. 真让我欢喜让我忧~。

哦! i also watched the latest amazing race... wow this episode they finally landed in singapore!! Weeeeee....their first stop was at pulau ubin... followed by mbs... wavehouse for ff... i felt bad for the cyclist, but was really glad that the surfers got through the fast forward and won this leg of the race... i wish they win amazing race!!!... they are sooooo in love.. such a cute couple..the pit stop was at fullerton!! And I wish i was there~

November 25, 2014

三.十.一 岁的笨女人

一年一度的生日快到了! 哈哈, 今年年底过的有些不安, 有一点点胆却, 也有那种莫名奇妙的感觉。。。哎呀!!! 总之我想我是幸福的啦! ♡ 哈哈哈~~~希望我这种傻傻的幸福每年不要减哦!!! 但傻傻的肥是一定要减减减哦!!!

November 19, 2014

Mbs & sport hub + run for hope + mi band + new torch

Last weekend was really tiring as well.. hahaa.. when cycling all the way from jurong to mbs via park bouna vista connector & alexander all the way down to esplanade!! So proud of ourselves able to find the hidden connectors... and those night spent running home and participate in those run.. paid off as we were able to link up the road from bouna to commonwealth and zion road to clarke quay.. hee.. and we used to run from mohd sultan to esplanade... it rained heavily when we are halfway down the bouna vista.. haaa.. weather was really unpredictable that saturday. Sf want to catch david beckham.. haha.. i didnt want to stay and chase after beckham haaaa...
Is my first time trying to board the train and bus with my foldable tern...and guess what once i board the 502 back to jurong, rain started to pour and 天空出现一道彩虹~~~awwww... must be my day..

later part of the day meet badminton gang for dinner.. i ate like a pig.. hahaa.. starve for the whole day.. only had a morning breakfast before my cycling tour.. haha.. and so nice of auntie el to get me a torch light!! Now i have 2!!! Cos i was complaining dark when cycling.. haa.. no wonder uncle cl say he's scored 97% for facebook good husband test!!

I went back home quite late and wash bike.. hahaa.. ke lian.. slept for 2hours need to wake up for run for hope.. lucky i didnt really run a lot for the 10km.. my heart cannot take it old already... and theres more to my sunday~~2nd part of the evening i have to dedicate to my dear nephew who insisted that i owe him a BBQ...hahaa and i was a DISASTER!@#$/^&* that disposable pit that i bought from giant keep giving off thick smoke when the fire dies off...and we had to feed fire with newspaper... my eyes was super teary.. haha... only managed to cook a few nuggets and the end.. they took all my bbq food back to the kitchen and get master chef dad to cook in his happycall... wahaaaa... it was tasty!! Nephew saw what poor yiyi went through at the corridor kept his mouth shut and happily eating the sausages.. he compliment that the ones that i cooked taste really good!! 算他有心haaa... after all that i had to mop the kitchen and living room... and in the end after dinner i immediately doze off at around 9pm!! Wow what a hectic & meaningful weekend!! Of course i would like a do-nothing weekend but keeping myself occupied and busy makes me feel good!!!!

November 15, 2014

Cycling & Berries & Carrie & Bean

Recently added a few items to my tern...
Added a super bright torch light!!! So happy at least i'm not worried when i have to cycle back late.... and also a phone mount for GPS.. looks a bit big though.. just use for awhile and see how it goes...
Recently mix my own carriebean careberries drinks... wahaaa... strawberries, blueberries and lime... yum yum.. so far no diarhhrea...

November 10, 2014


晚餐和朋友吃的好包!! 到家还要洗脚车, 因为中chewing gum! 刚刚喝了老妈前天熬的十全大补汤, 然候自己也手弄了一罐blueberries lime water aka 蓝莓神奇水。。。希望明天别拉肚子 哈哈哈。。
我好久没有身体感觉累, 心情却又有一种莫名的开心。我相信运动会使人心情愉快。♡
昨天骑到ulu pandan的parkconnector.. wah wah wah.. 好美的天骄哦!! Lighted up very nicely... spiralling down from ulu pandan to clementi.... weeeee.... it looks really pretty with lights on... *深呼吸, 享受一下*
下午踏脚车到西部的western adventure loop!#$×=%_$^&* wah seh... some of the trail are really crazy up slope and down slope esp at the bukit panjang park connector how to ride!! Omg!!... getting disjoined park connection near bukit panjang and dairy farm road and a few other places... at dairy farm we ended up going into the mountain bike trail with our foldie bike... haaa... i asked sf "dont 2 of us look cute pushing the bike in the dirt tracks" though i know we look a little bit sillyly!~~ haaa... it was nice to explore a little more on little guilin, bukit panjang, zhenghua, and choa chu kang...
"我爱自由, 在脚车上我感觉我是自由的~"

November 3, 2014

Cycling can be really tiring

Today brought my tern out for the 1st ride ... ride all the way to yew tew and turn wrongly at lot 1.. haha... luckily it is day time.. learnt a few thing from this 1st trip...
1. Apply sunblock
2. Tied up hair or cut shorter  (end of the trip my hair curl at all wrong angle)
3. I need a gps!!! Haaa.. put phone infront of the bike!!
4. On my night trip back, i realise my front light is too dim for the road.. i cant really see whats infront.
5. Night cycling is really cooling & relaxing unlike noon time i sweat like a pig...

Overall experience great.. except it was quite scary to cycle along that bukit batok road in the middle of the night.. :P

My body and legs are exhausted right now, but my pig brain still awake. Energise by my workout... zZzzzzz in no time...

October 30, 2014

Weeee... i passed...but i want to cycle now.. haaa

Heee.. happy tuesday for me... passed my ppcdl theory test!! No need to study all the notes liao~~~ next thing get boat license.. dunno do what also.. maybe ride jet ski.. haaaa

See i kinda jack of all trade but master of none... why?? Haaa.. my interest switches recently... now very tempted to get a foldable bike... hahaaa... dad ask me go get an electric one -.-" i told him my friend luff at me, saying ah peh rides that... maybe my dad secretly wants a electric bicycle so he can go shengsiong easily without driving.. haaaa....

Tempted to get a tern... Damn tern bike are so pricey!! Gonna check them out this weekend!! I want to go round and round singapore park connector.. haaaa... explore the island and ride to mahjong place... haaaa...

Oh did I mentioned that I also collected my certificate to certified that I'm "30"...
Haaa.... Time really flies~~~ I m already in my thirties! the last time I had my ic, I was only in primary six... I have no idea how I grew up that fast? Just by breathing and eating and sleeping?? I grew so big.. Haaaa my primary 6 ic photo was hilarious & unglam... :P

October 27, 2014


是个吃喝玩乐的一个weekend. 从星期五开始的我就熬夜打麻将=_=。星期六也熬夜庆生,吃,喝,玩猫 *_*。今天几乎是个废人 ×_×, 哈哈哈哈。可是看到衣服一堆, 刚买的nespresso的箱子也堆在room的corner...房间像垃圾堆。吃了lunch, 不知不觉便也开始pack房间, 哇赛~灰尘还真多!! 把一些新买的衣服也洗了上来。也收拾橱里的日常用品....哈哈我也该收敛一下吧,东买西买房间里的东西是有增无减。
周彬彬你不要再买了, 坏了才买用完才买。今年起你的resolution就是用完existing的产品才买新的!!!
还有一袋袋的箱子还没收拾完。哈哈, 换了风水, 换个角度看看不知道会不会好一些~~

October 10, 2014

♡Busan, Jeju 等等我吧!!

Wahaaaa!!! 看看看!! 我有好多guide和map!!! 多谢多谢朋友了!!! Hohoho....完了完了看了更想去, 心想实现一个人旅行的feeling~~~可是去busan和jeju因该越多人越好.... wahaaaaa.....
Apa 我来了!!!

October 8, 2014


哈哈哈, 我好久没看了,想当年我也是什么anime和漫画都乱乱看!!! 为了不想老了忘记title,趁现在快快写下来吧。老了回味回味~♡

记得小时和哥哥晚上看相聚一刻 (五代~~)和orange road (有特异功能的兄妹)....原来小时的我就已经喜欢爱情故事....现在的漫画也画不出这么生活化和这样棒的爱情故事。还有, 还有我不久前才知道相聚一刻的作者高桥留美子,也是乱马1/2的作者。哈哈哈, 故事情节好不同哦!! 乱马有点变态哈哈哈一淋湿就暴露哈哈哈。

还有《凉风》suzuka 和school rumble也是我的最爱。当然我的年代也少不了full metal panic, fumoffu 可爱极了! Full metal alchemist 也夺去了我好多好多眼泪!!! 还有很多很多

High school anime My-hime...ouran high school host club... honey and clover... musical anime BECK... of course those really popular ones like naruto, one piece and bleach... we also bought the comic book for 通灵王, 棋灵王。

Cant think of any new title now.. 下次再加!!!

October 2, 2014

Cray cray

看起来好笑吧! 是个黑鼻t-shirt...

September 29, 2014

Amazing Race s25 is coming to Singapore!!!!! I think so....

Aaaaaahhhh..... I caught a glimpse of mbs and garden by the bay on the s25 1st episode of TAR!!!
Ahhhhh... when are they coming???!@##$

September 3, 2014

awesome mix vol 1 is my bedtime songs!!

Watched guardian of the galaxy tonight... woah woah woah~ totally blew me away with the humorous loving characters, vfx shots and of course the awesome mix!! And i didnt fall asleep! The trailer that i watched in theatre doesn't do the movie justice, i almost skipped this movie! 
Nowadays cinema has a special effect on me, the moment i sat on that chair when the lights out...unknowingly i will doze off into dreamland.... zZzZzzzz if the movie like GOTG that managed to capture my full attention.... haaaa it must be real good... I'm guilty of sleeping in movies like the recent transformer.. maleficent and xmen.. haaaa...

August 22, 2014

I ♡ the whole world

最近突然觉得我对很多country的location都不是很懂哦~ 大概大概而已, 但我希望能够给自己对的答案, 所以。。。我买了world map...

刚好kino有25% sale, (要谢谢YY啦麻烦她了哈哈) 我便顺手拿了一张看起来像map的world map.... 挂在墙上发现世界好大啊!! 我好渺小的住在sunny island singapore~~

YY非常的搞笑, 在kino走着走着, 她突然转身问我 "你会不会包书(包输)" 周末都在打麻将的我笑死了~~~回她 "choy~ 我包赢lah"


Into thin air描述着1996年的everest, 很intriguing所以我也因此在找跟everest有关的书。终于让我买到那本dark summit, 描述2006年在everest发生的事件。我想我不可能climb everest lah...所以从documentary和books里激发想象力!!

看着world map还有好多好多国家对我来说还是个谜!! 到底我要怎样才能环游世界80天heeeee....

August 14, 2014

Must visit in Korea

i must make a list of places i want to go in korea!! haaa... so ta-dah!! those village that features on appa odiga were so charming.. 

Hidden Island "Gangwon"
Dumori Farming Village
Chuncheon Winter Camp!
Jungsun Gangwon-do
Jeju's Island Holiday
Historical Trip to Bonghwa
Fisherman's Village in Ando
Picking Plums in Kimcheon
Andong Village
Jonggugae Village

Season 1 my favourite Jun suuuu  yyaaaaa.... & Junnn is fang's fav boy.. haaaaaa

August 7, 2014


惨了惨了。在主君后, 看到帅气DJ, 可爱作家, 可怜精神病患~趙寅成。。。让我心里的小鹿乱闯。。。迷死我啦!!
怎么办啊!!! 我快要有病了~~~ 相思病!@#$/^!&*#

August 2, 2014





July 23, 2014

World cup 和 durian

我发现每年 world cup 我都在吃榴莲!!!! Haaaaa.... every 4 year world cup is durian season in singapore & malaysia~

看messi吃durian, 人间一大享受♡

July 10, 2014



June 26, 2014

My nephew drawing bery cute

翔翔到此一游! :D

goooooaaaalll... my messi~~~~!!!!!

我的又帅又厉害又可爱的“梅斯~” 进了两粒美美的goal... 差一点hat trick!! 看他进球我好happy!!!

希望argentina or germany 能赢,although holland 很厉害但是我不喜欢他们的jersey color!! 哈哈哈啊

为了庆祝吃了3大碗的晚餐!!! 肥死我了~

June 16, 2014

bumblebee looking KT Tape

Finally tried the new roll of kt tape on my ankle.. recently ankle a little unstable... haa... old injury..觉得怪怪的。 哈哈哈 风湿吗?

June 13, 2014




June 11, 2014

Elsa is on Once upon a time

"Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket. Sometimes the best teacup is chipped"

rumple got so much LOVE on Once!!!!

hmmmm, i thought that was the happy ending for Once upon a time, everyone got their happy ending. But then, the evil queen happiness came to an end. :( I thought they weren't going for another season, til i saw elsa back on their new season!! haaaaa it's funny no matter how i look at it... old fairy tales mix new fairy tales... elsa could be the very very dark evil queen... 

"let it goooo, let it ggooooo, can't hold it back anymore" 

June 3, 2014




最近累了(╥﹏╥) 好想找点新鲜事来充实自己,改变自己。赶快想想吧!

加油~ fighting!

May 21, 2014

With you... Everything seems so easy

With you... Everything seems so easy

I am run-run-running to you

And I'll keep you safe forever
听了感觉世界突然也安静了下来。。。和我一起奔跑吧,跑向未来, 跑向地球的另一端。



With you... Everything seems so easy
With you... My heartbeat has found its rhythm
With you... I'm so close to finding my home

With you... I dont care if I´m a little bit crazy
Cause with you nothing's wrong

I was broken, I was wasted
Then you came like an angel in the rain
Love used to slip through me like waters slips through hands
But with you it changed I know, I feel I'm closer to your heart.

I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Don't you know my love, don't you know two hearts can beat as one?

Love used to slip through me like water slips through hands but no more
No more lonely nights, no more, no more
So c'mon, c'mon, hold on, hold on, hold on

I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Don't you know my love, don't you know two hearts can...
I am run-run-running to you

And I'll keep you safe forever
Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Don't you know two hearts can beat as one?

May 20, 2014

Dave and Connor O'Leary WON THE AMAZING RACE!!!!!


This season finale was pretty magical! haaa....they flew all the way to Las Vegas and met David Copperfield!! WOOOOO! Skydive like a meteor down in las vegas motor speed way.....
YEAH!!! Amazing people won amazing race!!!!

Twitt twitt...

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