March 17, 2021

It's okay to not be okay

“On my most recent ride I was struggling up a particularly difficult section and I was cussing inside my own head.

I was mad, plainly because it sucked. I forgot every piece of Zen biking wisdom I had learned over the last few months and I berated myself for my weaknesses as my lungs expanded for more oxygen that they would not receive.

As this section mellowed out, I continued my climb and found a peace of some kind as my legs slowly brought me up a few more miles of incline. Then it was time to descend.

Coming down is a different kind of challenge, but this time I was able to find a groove and enjoy the ride. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling, and the chipmunks might even tell you that I laughed around a couple of corners.

That was when it clicked for me. The struggle was worth it. The cussing had led to the laughter. Life has its ups and downs, and sometimes they’re extreme. The lows were not only just okay; they were necessary.”


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