little do i know about his hidden passion on his job and us, here's his last letter to us.

Hey Babes,
As many of you probably know, today is "CONFIRM" my last day. But before I exit glamorously, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a great and distinct pleasure it has been to type "Today is my last day."
I wouldn't, possibly, say everything that is in my mind, but I have enjoyed knowing XXX XXXXX XXXXXX and working with everyone over these 8 months -
(seems like only 4 - 5 months stay but like what i've always say, maybe i wasn't talking to anyone for the first 3 months seating next to the toilet - I'm the human suction to all the smelly air coming out from the toilet, you know what I'm talking about it don't you!).
Even though i may come across extremely nonchalant but I'm always full of PASSION, LOVE to those that have been very kind and nice and full force "DIFFICULT" attitude to whoever that is a snob, nasty and worst of also "CLUELESS" .
Thank you for all for the guidance, support, laughter, and companionship you babes have provided me, i've never actually work in a quite loosen up, all BABES environment which is really overwhelming to me when i first step in. (Maybe too loosen up that's why I'm forever late lately) You have all enriched my life in different ways.
Super-duper love and great big hugs to you all for hanging in there with me while I had my "freak out, whatever grumpy mood swing, you named it". I don't want to leave. I appreciate your love and everything "we all stand for". Thank You. Love to all, I will miss being your co-worker and will cherish our short lovely history together.
Almost everyone is leaving one by one, from "Exxx - Txxxxx - Zxx - Exxxx- Axxxxx - Bxxxxxx - Axxxxxx - Lxxx ...... definitely heartbreaking to what is happening.
But still have to say XXX is a great place, CXXX is really inspiring, i personally feel during my interview, which I decided to join XXX.
I'm going back to the arms of the stringent regulations working environment in the next job scope, people there are not going to be extremely exciting but is definitely good for my progress.
Last of all, I know this may sound super cliche, but glamorously sincerely with all the glitters and bling-bling (definitely not trying to be gay here). I wish you individually and collectively the best of health, love, happiness and success in the future :)
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