saturday went east coast blading with mark..
cant really blade well.. cos long time no ice-skate liao.. the last time was during poly yr 1 or 2 bah... but i guess the theory is the same.. so i jus wear my rollerblade.. or so called inline skates.. and start to wobble... mark was sweating even when we went to collect the blade.. so funny.. afterall, he afraid of falling down on his butt, cos he's so tall... muaahaaa..
we got alan to teach us.. hee... nice..cos i dun really noe if i m blading right so better dun teach mark the wrong stuff.. heee..
i guess he got the feel of it, and decided to go buy blade since the k2 blade are on sale now.. heeee.. we went down to paya lebar today... hope to find blade that are cheap n nice.. (my driving instructor is also a blader <-issit a right term to use? he said that k2 is good and reasonable for $$) i tried on the k2 velocity and impulse... hmmm personally i like the design of the velocity.. nice mah.. haaa somemore the sale assistant whois also an instructor uses that particular model said that it fits only u, no one else after 25hour haaa.. but it cost $215... hmm.. kinda tight with $$$ cos taking driving lesson at the same time... but up to mark bah... see which one he gets... i jus get the similar one.. *bleah* my blade size is 7.5... woah.. i m big foot.. hee.. mark couldnt get his sizes... so i guess we should try our luck at queenway... see when he gonna buy.. jus get me a size 7.5 will do... :)

after that when to watch "March of the penguin" heee... kinda okie... the whole show is about penguin *duhz* heee... i love penguin.. they are so harmless n cute... heee...kinda like me.. so clumsly.. muahaaa..
zzzZZ so sleepy.. tomolo working again.. hai~ why issit so araaaggggg... why cant we have monday as a "blue day" every company work half day... haaa... siao ah~
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