November 30, 2013


Sarangheyo~♥ 30岁的生日就这样到了, 感觉也没什么。也没因此瞬间变老,也没因此瞬间长大而改变对生活的想法。 我还是那么幼稚,花吃,爱玩,爱闹,有时很白痴,有时笨笨呆呆的,只要生活中充满欢笑,我想我是幸福的。总觉的人活在这时代还是过的呆呆傻傻的比较幸福。哈哈!

坦白说,自从长大了对于过生日还是有点害羞, 在唱生日歌时会笑着一起唱,不知道吹蜡烛时该许什么愿望, 只好希望家人健康,世界美好,感觉像选美比赛一样。哈哈哈。

亲爱的30, 要幸福哦!

November 20, 2013


好喜欢爱情故事,尤其真人真事,很容易就被感动。 。。


November 15, 2013

Why are there so many places to visit before you die?

27 Surreal Places To Visit Before You Die

Places you see before you die

1000 Places To See Before You Die 

101 Most Beautiful Places You Must Visit Before You Die

20 Places to Watch the Sunset Before You Die

i probably won't be able to visit all the places they have listed, so what happen next? will i die in regret?? haaa... noooooooo..

i dun wanna die.. one day i will but not looking at these places and thinking i must visit before i die.. lol...

currently really enthralled by machu pichu and norway oslo... where the sun never sunset.. and of course anchorage.. bering sea my deadliest catch captain~

November 3, 2013


好希望拥有他手里的hammer (Mjolnir) wahaa... ebay有在买。 哈啊哈哈..i shall hang it on my clothes hanger.. lol..

半人半神的他打不死,Loki砍他的手时吓死我了!!i was thinking nooooooo... he can't hold his hammer or summon his hammer anymore!!! ahhhhh..... scary!!! damn... even thor got his weakness!!!! he need his hands to hold his hammer!!! Thor and Ironman are my top favourite superheroes from avenger... heee captain american seems pretty useless in avenger... sad for him, but he good look and clean to be the poster boy.. just nice... wahaaaa...

November 2, 2013

Love is the moment


这首歌让我耳朵痒了几天~ 哈哈

Twitt twitt...

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