One fateful night last week, my hand was so itchy that
i removed myself from the current blog author.
Previously, My blog keeps on having a weird bug, whichever button I clicked, it just keeps showing all post
page... I can't change template, layout or even backup or export my blog.
But now
I got my blog linked back and everything is back to normal, all the button works!! It was a blessing in disguise.... *muack* Thanks Hermione at blogger for the help...silly me
A week without ranting on my blog, I found my diary hidden somewhere in the cupboard and decided to scribble on it.... Flipping to my last entry was 2006... 时间会慢慢冲淡一切,但人老了越会回忆起当年大家玩在一起时候的回忆。and, this weekend rovers 的Dnd大家会想起你吧。现在30的我再次想起这些回忆已经不哭了,我会在diary写下开心的回忆来陪伴你!
Now I just have to FOCUS cutting the photos for the montage...
such a busy month for
october at work, why does it always rain on me~ no break for me till
november... 30 coming *my heart beat
go pi
pok pi pok*...