damn... dale talde went home tonight on top chef... ahhhh i really thought he can win this season.. .damn!!

super disappointed with this season... i was rooting for him to the finale for this all star season, can really feel his change of behaviour compare to season 4.. much more matured and well composure, i even find him humorous in several occasion during the inter... i like the way he thinks and act in top chef.. always focus on making his dishes and compete. less words. i guess i just like hardworking chef like him who are less talkative. He's not as angry as before but still super uber fast at executing his dishes and running all over the place.. gonna miss his action in the top chef kitchen.. ahhhhh....
i was so excited and happy for him for the past few week, he won many elimination challenges as well as $$... but all these like he say can't even trade for a place in the final... can really felt his heart and determination in winning this top chef... :) pray for him to make a comeback in all star "redemption"... haa