I'm going to change my lifestyle from now on... hohohooh... no more sleeping late and no more staying up to watch random drama and series!!!
Dunno why just feels like my body is aging faster than my age... used to have an active lifestyle and feels better. Ever since i started working, whenever there's a break on weekend i will be a 宅女, stay at home the whole day to complete some drama series. I came upon on a blog from my fellow colleague, wearewonderwomen.com. This very brave girl blog about fighting cancer although she lost her battle in the end. I really admire her for her bravery and her attitude towards life.
We are living in the world of advanced medical and more and more incurable disease... people have longer lifespan at the same time prone to more lifestyle disease. Right now right here, i just want to keep myself healthy and thinking positive everyday... not to stress myself at work, not to tired myself at home... Keep breathing and living right, i hope it's not too late for a right change.
last night i watched my last late night movie - surrogates... more and more movies like to feature how mankind in the future will evolve into relying on machine/robots. How virtual we can get, how safer and comfort the world can be living with robots. Only to find out that someone, somewhere will screw up and start the killing spree. Latter, everyone realise how we're being control by the machine and they are now on our own - standing on their feet.
I don't really believe that human will tap on machine like in surrogates, we're too egotistic bastard that wants to be in control of everything. We would love robots to ease our daily life chores but not overrule our life. :) just my thoughts.. it might even be ironic that i'm typing on a computer... hello world!