Alma from Rodrigo Blaas on Vimeo.
很喜欢幻想和乱想的我,有时候会问我自己我到底是谁?从哪来? 为什么会在莫个地方,做莫件事,然后又和莫人遇见呢? 感觉自己就好像在演戏,主角是我,导演也是我。
December 22, 2009
December 18, 2009
Joseph Gordon-Levitt on 500 days of summer

seldom will i appreciate such movies... those kind that i think it's too artistic that i immediately switch off....but i like this movie, shot in a very clever way, featuring romantic in a different light.
featuring nice soundtracks and 60s trends...sibey vintage...
Tom is a romantic who believes in true love...
Hahaaa... hmmm.... does true love exists? and when will i meet my next summer?
and, i've got to admit, i love cute boy... tom is cute... awwww..

December 11, 2009
imagine going to 天涯海角... can shout something like what they always did in the movie
and 南海观音 must be as big as the statue of liberty...
was it 悟空 being trapped under the 五指山... if i'm there, i might turn into 猪八戒.. haha... with such fairy-tale like scenic surrounding...
December 7, 2009
In this show, i like 吳建豪, he looks so much better with his clean cut boyish looking hair. Charming and cute, i always thought he looks very gay in the past idol drama. And, with 安以轩 it was such a refreshing couple. hehe.. it's a female director, i guess perhaps that's why the love scene was so touching and very well captured.
Just add this song to my playlist...
December 1, 2009
my sweet 18th birthday!
but was pretty fun, they so sweet still buy cake for me at genting... but con my mahjong $$ before that.

ah yun show me the facebook site to fortune telling...
我 的內在想法 (我的内功心法)
我 的外在行為 (我的外在美.. 哈哈)
what is 阿莎力? wahaaa..
November 21, 2009
i heart astro boy today...

moi brought my polariod to work and got to hug a $500++ worth of astro boy. woooo.. didn't know my colleagues are avid toy collector... Got this polariod and hardly use it at all, too lazy to bring around -- so bulky.
Anyway, i is so happy today la... muahaaa... i wanna bring him home and make him mine...
i wish i have a whole cabinet full of my favourite toy also... but toy collector need $$$... i no money... so i go hug and play with people's toy... hiak hiak hiak..
so late already, can't think...zzZzz.. btw i miss daxiong today or should i say i miss MJ today.. counting down to days he come back from aussie and we can play MJ again... *sob*
November 18, 2009
this makes my heart jump
看了流眼泪,好感动 -- 过了今晚 在也留不住你
我还记得以前我也好喜欢张克凡的,他是真得满帅的-- 白白干干净净。康熙这次希望無緣情侶再續前緣! 棒打鴛鴦兩離分!张克凡就唱了这首歌- 两个世界。
November 17, 2009

the second one is "xiao gui" - 黃鴻升, actually didn't really take special notice of him from the start. Just when recently i was watching a lot of Yu Le Bai Fen Bai, with a lot of xiao zhu and him. Saw his biodata and his birthday falls on 1983 Nov 28, 2 days away from mine.... after reading one of his article online, hurhur i was thinking if we share the same kind of personality... the sagittarius .... i prefer when he smile... warm and cute... he's much tone down version of xiao zhu... xiao zhu too talkative... i prefer the slightly quiet xiao gui...

November 6, 2009
再见吧~ 午夜 与 宅女
I'm going to change my lifestyle from now on... hohohooh... no more sleeping late and no more staying up to watch random drama and series!!!
Dunno why just feels like my body is aging faster than my age... used to have an active lifestyle and feels better. Ever since i started working, whenever there's a break on weekend i will be a 宅女, stay at home the whole day to complete some drama series. I came upon on a blog from my fellow colleague, This very brave girl blog about fighting cancer although she lost her battle in the end. I really admire her for her bravery and her attitude towards life.
We are living in the world of advanced medical and more and more incurable disease... people have longer lifespan at the same time prone to more lifestyle disease. Right now right here, i just want to keep myself healthy and thinking positive everyday... not to stress myself at work, not to tired myself at home... Keep breathing and living right, i hope it's not too late for a right change.
last night i watched my last late night movie - surrogates... more and more movies like to feature how mankind in the future will evolve into relying on machine/robots. How virtual we can get, how safer and comfort the world can be living with robots. Only to find out that someone, somewhere will screw up and start the killing spree. Latter, everyone realise how we're being control by the machine and they are now on our own - standing on their feet.
I don't really believe that human will tap on machine like in surrogates, we're too egotistic bastard that wants to be in control of everything. We would love robots to ease our daily life chores but not overrule our life. :) just my thoughts.. it might even be ironic that i'm typing on a computer... hello world!
November 2, 2009
我心臟插有 一根樹枝
Recently, bean fell in love with treeson, a very cute character created by Bubi Au Yeung.
Treeson is a kind creature who was brought up by the trees of a forest. He is discovered by a boy named Ren at the beginning of the story and the two learn to face their past through their friendship.

I like how simple treeson is and yet it feels heartwarming every time. :) I'm not that kind that would spend on figurine, I'm too practical... wahahaa...
September 1, 2009
a journey to the west

long time no blog... wahaaa.... very tied down with work... finally managed to sneak off a weekday to go on a mini road trip with my friends. :)
And we drove all the way to KL on Friday morning 5.30am!!! i have to work till 3am on Friday, and was left with 1 hour time to pack my stuff.. quick and easy, the standard stuff that i bring to Genting... LOL being there too many times with my family know what to pack in a weekend.
We pool in a total of RM800 for this road trip for 4 pax, which managed to cover all our expenses from petrol, toll and even food. We got our lodging for free thanks to yihui's company service apartment at KL which fit 9 of us prefectly!! there's actually space for more ppl imo. I was so tired, that we did make full use of a MJ table we found at the store room in the apartment.
it was an experience, although i just sit through the trip and sleep. It's much easy and accessible with car around KL. shopping was so-so and very tiring for me, nothing much at the pertaling street as usual just imitation goods and ang mohs around, but the food experience at KL was superb. I missed their wanton mee and claypot rice... hmmm.. i had fun snapping some random photo as well... The road up genting was curvy and with high elevated slope, we went up with swift and mazda 3, happily all the way up~
coming back on sunday was really devasting... wahhaaa.. a meal at taman sentosa can't even make me happy... i hate to go back to work... how i wish i can still travel and explore other places in msia... beaches...
selamat back to reality~ Tell me why i don't like monday~
July 6, 2009
Busy weekday - Herman and Shiyu wedding
yup, and that same night after i reached home, i bathe and sit infront of my computer typing the MC script for Shiyu's wedding. Kevin did his part like freaking 2 days ago, and i still didn't have the time to finish it up.. i type and print till morning 6am.. whoa cool. i'm left with 30 mins and Xiulin will be on her way to fetch me.. i just can feel that my eyes are swollen from lack of sleep...
we reached shiyu's place at around 7am in the morning.. all stuff are ready and all of us starts preparing the buffet for the xiong dis.. haa.. it's so funny.. when they arrived, herman was so honest and straightforward... he say i got the angbao ready $388 can or not.. the xiong di say "it's a lot le" i dunno how the negotiation goes, they gave us the ang bao and we still forced them to eat the buffet... starting with "sour" they had to peel grapefruits, lemon and lime.. and finished it all.. they are so nice people and didn't even bother to bargain with us, they just eat and eat.. we give them smelly herbal tea they also drink... they happily waxed their leg with "SHIYU".. the groom was so enthu he said he be the "I", i guess he thought it would be more meaningful or wat, but the sister were all luffing, cos we use the whole stripe of wax for "I" turn out it a few times bigger than the normal character.. :D We also made them special chocolate cookie.. stuff with wasabi and chilli, there's one guy so happy and glad that he got wasabi flavour... their happiness was short lived.. i managed to get a bottle of "天下第一辣" from JX... when they saw the bottle, they say come give us a spoon.. i immediately busted out in laughter.. i warned them.. lucky they just tried a bit and we let them in, cos they suffered a lot, the groom was sweating like mad..they also bought a cap of water for $10bucks.. haa.. he dyed his hair the day before, and after all the sweating the leftover dyed drips onto his white tuxedo.. :(
finally he's in to the living room, there's 4 more task on the list. finding shiyu's shoe and eating ice cream for the key, sing Jay's song and sign love pledge. when we offer the ice-cream to the guys, none of them dare to eat. we bought yam flavour cos it's purple! one of the brave ones, finally took a scoop and say "很好吃! can eat no worries!" the rest all dig in to the ice-cream, they even forgot why they are eating it in the first place... after the awful singing by herman and lipstick love pledge, the groom finally gets his bride!!!
so lovin and sweet... together they make a great couple.
see my facebook photo.. haaa..
June 22, 2009
a-wakening day at punggol
it's really fun if only we could hang around for another few more hours, the booking it really expensive. heee... photos will be up sooon... :) muahahaa..
zzzZzz tired, after that we went to jerry's for buffalos wings and i had to rush down to Gombak for MJ session. all in a day~
my new pratah~
June 12, 2009
monster vs alien vs predator

watch monster vs alien 3D at cathay yesterday, better quality glasses than the 4D show that i've watched. But still glasses don't fit and eyes got tired 30 minutes into the movie.
i still prefer those disney and movie world 4D show, short and entertaining. don't really like M vs A movie, haha should have follow my own instinct. :)
Nowadays after every rla's birthday we'll catch a movie, i fell asleep in fast and furious although i did try my best to stay awake (chair was uncomfortable to sleep on). I won the tickets to the movie premier to catch mathew mcconaughey and jennifer garner, and we missed the first half of the show but still able to follow the movie (typical male charmer who's scare to fall in love/commitment) it's those kind of typical lomantic comedy that make you cry in tears and the next moment smiling and laughing. exactly what i will like = chic flick ;)
Connor Mead: Someone once told me that the power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less, and he was right. (moi think so too and i strikeout the rest.. hohohoo)Night at the museum 2 was kind of dissappointment for me, storyline and plot so-so. the idea was fresh in the first movie, part 2 seems lack of originality and just another continuation of the part 1. hmmmm..But power isn't happiness, and I think that maybe happiness comes from caring more about people rather than less...
Fast and Furious - ??/5.0
i slept through the whole movie
Ghost of girlfriends past - 3.5/5.0
give it a little more pts to be able to win 2 drops of my tears :)
Night at the Museum 2 - 3.0/5.0
June 2, 2009
how did team rundown and cloud 9 fare?
I manage to fare better than my standard chartered which is goooood, i thought i'm a gone case after 6km of running, i actually feel like going home. :)

Heheh... update this post with my sundown run hard photo and also slacking photos... bahahaaa...
May 31, 2009
adidas sundown, team rundown, needs a rubdown

i thought running 1okm at night will be much better off than in the day, well i was wrong. Tonight is freaking humid and hot... i was tired and lack of motivation... hahaa.. must be last night mahjong, it really wasn't a good idea to continue the 2nd round after we send daxiong's gf back to novena... we went for supper at newton, carb-up for my next day run. On our way back, Mahjong Goddess entered our mind and suddenly we're heading back to daxiong's place for another round till this morning.. came back home boss haven't finished with his work.. hehe.. before i went to bed at around 7.30am.. i wash and dry the running jersey.. (mum forgot to do it for me... sob)
woke up at 4pm, feeling super shag... ate char siew rice for "lunch+dinner", and set off to changi.. everywhere in changi you can spot those runners, but not a single sight of the bapok. They are smart not to appear on sundown day... hehe..
i ran and ran till the first 5-6km.. and finally saw 1 drink store!! omg, they only have 1 drink station throughout the 10km run... save $ i guess.. worst than standard chartered run, anyway i grabbed my 2 drinks and that when everythings started to slow down, my mind telling my body. "hey, walk for awhile la.. it's okay, later you can pick up the speed." i think i'm seriously old and no longer as fit as rovering day, i remembered army half marathon i only slow down and start walking after 18km. what happened, damn!! it's mind over body seriously, my body still can run, but my mind is telling me to stop and relax a bit, you're no longer 18.. wahaaa.. at least u finished the race to the end. :) hiphip hurrary!!
both team cloud 9 and rundown went to old town white coffee at east coast for celebration, it feels great to meet up your fellow colleagues for such an event on a weekend. I guess this is how people builds friendship, hope i'm able to join them for run and sundown again after i go..

May 29, 2009
Cash, Credit and Club 21

Woooo card waiver approved for another year, i just love uob. It's so easy to get your credit card fee waived. all you need to do is dial in to their hotline and press a few number and few days later they will send you a sms says "it's approved!!!" hassle free!!... unlike one of the bank.. well i have to be on the call waiting mode listening to the freaking music for more than 30mins and still didn't manage to reach the customer service personnel. I was like calling them for a week to get to their CS person and have to speak to their personally, providing them with all the numbers and information to get my annual fee wavied. OMG.. should cancel the card i think.. wait for another year...
Went to club 21 bazzar sale today!!!! so happy eventhough i didnt get much.. was there at 2pm yesterday, it's madness! recession? i dun think so...the queue for payment is so long that it might take 3 hours to make the payment. I got a DKNY top, a CK mini clutch bag and the queue is much much shorter.. the sale is CRAZY... things are so unbelievable cheap. BUT BUT BUT... not everything is wearable and value for $$. I'm not a fanatic at branded sale, trust me it's really very messy and hard to find what you really like. you have to dig hard... So control spending is the way to go... furthermore, it's just the start of the Great Singapore Sale...
May 27, 2009
name brand names

Muimui did a quick modification to some of the famous brand around to our colleagues name. david, stan, chandra, fred, maxwell, jillyn, alan, prakash and valerie..
so kawaii, i forced her to do one for me, finally settle on mr. bean, but mine the tagline seems a little wrong... can't help sniggering when i saw my name with the line below.