got my new contract with Singtel and of course the white smashing looking, huge and bling bling 16GB iphone.
been using it for a few days... not good. life sux cos phone sux. haha
battery life sux, sms sux, there's limited "phone" function in this iphone, not really user friendly as compare to my old nokia phone. come to think about it, maybe i should have gotten myself an E71.
but, but.. love the little apps in iphone that keeps me busy while waiting for bus. Block puzzle my fav!!! clear all the 10 stages but still playing it again and again. After i submitted my score, i found out that i was the only one in singapore playing this game and bother to submit my score. =.="
but after all, iphone is still my love. my first touch phone. *sexy* i'm still lov'in it!